La revue scientifique trimestrielle

Increasing biologics manufacturing capacities
With 23+ years of experience handling hundreds of cell and virus models, Clean Cells has positioned itself as a leader in cell and virus banking, providing complementary characterization and storage services. Our state-of-the-art cGMP facility launched earlier this year now welcomes our biologics manufacturing capacities, providing 8 new clean rooms designed for all types of biopharma projects and equiped to meet production specifications for both adherent and suspension cells.
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Integrated solution for cell banking and characterization
Clean Cells offers an integrated solution for cell bank generation in GMP and non-GMP-settings together with full characterization services and additional long-term storage options to secure valuable material.
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Une suite de production BPF et BSL3 – Naobios
L’équipe de Naobios a qualifié une suite de production BPF et BSL3 au sein de notre batiment polyvalent pour accueillir des projets de production BPF exigeants, impliquant des vaccins viraux, des vecteurs viraux et des virus oncolytiques.
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